The difference between single power and double power grasping machine
time:2024-03-16 10:13:15Page view:62

The main difference between dual-power single-power grasping machines is their transmission mode and application scenario. Here's the difference:

Different transmission modes:

The single-power grab machine is driven by only one power source, while the dual-power grab machine has two power sources.

Different work efficiency:

Because the dual power grab machine has two power sources, they can complete the work more efficiently, suitable for large area compaction and high requirements of road construction.

Different usage scenarios:

Dual power grippers are commonly used for large road construction and compacting tight materials such as concrete and asphalt.

Single-power grippers are suitable for smaller areas and fewer compaction needs, such as building edges and narrow passageways.

In summary, the double power grab machine is superior to the single power grab machine in efficiency and application scenarios.


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