Today is March 15 Consumer Rights Day. What problems can it solve?
time:2024-03-15 08:39:29Page view:45


Appeals of disputes over consumer rights and interests in the process of purchasing, using or receiving goods or services for daily consumption. For example, when there are defects in the goods purchased by consumers or there is a danger to personal or property safety, they can immediately report or complain to the relevant administrative departments and dial 12315 to defend their rights.


Appeals against farmers' purchase or use of means of production directly used in agricultural production. This protects the rights of agricultural producers in the purchase and use of agricultural products.


To report and complain about acts infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, manufacturing and selling counterfeit and shoddy commodities and other economic illegal acts, and business operators violating the laws and regulations on industrial and commercial administration. In addition, it can also report and deal with "black dens" that sell fake and shoddy goods.


Provide advisory services on industrial and commercial administration laws, regulations and regulations to help the public understand and comply with relevant laws and regulations.


Listen to the opinions and suggestions of all sectors of society and consumers on the work of industrial and commercial administration, as well as the complaints and reports involving the illegal and disciplinary acts of law enforcement personnel of industrial and commercial departments, so as to strengthen the supervision of industrial and commercial administration departments and improve the work style.


It should be noted that in addition to consumer complaints, non-consumer complaints can also be accepted as long as they are illegal acts within the jurisdiction of the industrial and commercial departments, such as the existence of counterfeit businesses around the 12315 platform can be reported. There may be some delays in the processing, but please wait patiently because 12315 will be responsible for the end until the problem is solved.

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