Crusher installation five precautions
time:2018-04-24 14:50:45Page view:1929

In order to ensure smooth operation and unnecessary maintenance costs in the future, strict compliance with the installation process specifications can make the production line smoothly put into operation, to avoid unnecessary maintenance costs caused by improper installation or failure to comply with the installation precautions, the following summarizes the routine 5 points for attention in the installation of the crusher process.


1, crusher equipment host is fixed in the ground foot bolt on the basis of a good concrete level fixed firmly, more conducive to the crusher crushing efficiency and function, greatly reducing the crusher in the crushing process of the safety problems.


2, the installation should pay attention to the balance between the main body and the ground, so that in the production of the machine, the hammer in the operation of the more effective crushing stone, strength balance, more conducive to the crusher due to unbalanced mutual wear, more safely increase the life of the crusher.


3, after the installation of the equipment to check whether the fixed firmly, check whether the bolts in various parts are loose, whether the main engine door is tight, whether the machine spindle can operate normally, whether the lubricating oil is filled, etc., unreasonable places should be dealt with in time.


4. The installed crusher should be equipped with a power cord, which must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the manual and the rated power of the equipment, as well as the safety of the control switch to ensure whether the power is normally powered on and the safety of the power supply.


5, after completing these checks, test the machine, first turn on the switch to see if the crushing function is running normally to ensure that there is no problem, and then put in the material for further operation. If there is no problem, the next step is to carry out the load test of the crusher, and the operation can be carried out normally after the test.


The above is the crusher installation of the five precautions, as long as the above five precautions to prevent the work can avoid maintenance costs.

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